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Gallery Guidelines

This forum group is a section where CUAS members can share images they have taken.

Files up to 15mb can be uploaded.  If your images are larger than that, it is suggested to save them to an online location, ie - Google Drive, and then share the link to the image in your post.

It is suggested that when sharing images, you include the following information:

  1. Who captured the image(s).
  2. Location where images were captured, and date of capture.
  3. Object common name (ie- M31, Andromeda).
  4. Equipment used.
  5. Settings used.
  6. Metadata (ie- 100 images stacked, or image time 30 minutes).
  7. Post processing information, if any.
  8. Any additional information you would like to include.

Adding this information can be helpful for others who may be interested in astrophotography and/or looking for ways to improve their results.

To Purchase or Examine any of our Telescopes or Accessories, call Jim Wehmer 217-714-7786. He has most of this equipment at his house or can retrieve it from the observatory for you. Arrange a time to go to his house and he will place it on his front porch for you to examine or take home to try it out. Because of the virus, this way the social interactions will be very safe.