You can join CUAS in one of the following ways

  1. At any of our meetings
  2. Electronically via PayPal
    Provide the information below in a PayPal note by clicking the “Add a note” before clicking the Donate Now button.
  3. Or you can print the below form and send to us by mail.
    See the mailing address at the bottom of this page.

Dues are $20 per year for a family. If you are joining after July 1st, dues are $10 for the rest of the year.
If you hold an observatory key, the dues are an additional $30 per year.

Membership Benefits

The use of our telescopes and observatory, membership in the Astronomical League, a subcription to our monthly newsletter Clear Skies, discounted subscriptions to Astronomy and Sky and Telescope and, after six months of membership, eligibility to become an observatory keyholder (additional requirements are: a $30 annual keyholder fee, taking a training class, and willingness to help out with dome site maintenance and other club tasks).

We have several telescopes: a 16.5-inch f/15 Cassegrain on an equatorial mount in our dome, a 6-inch f/10 D&G refractor, two 8-inch Dobson-mounted Newtonians, and a few others.

Use the PayPal button below or mail us a check.

Use the PayPal button here to pay your dues. If you’re a new member, provide the above information as a note, or also submit the form above.

To join by mail, send the above information and a check for your dues to:
C.U.A.S. Treasurer

c/o Staerkel Planetarium/Parkland College
2400 West Bradley Avenue
Champaign, IL 61821