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Never to young...

You are never to young to be introduced to the universe.  These are my twin grandchildren, Madyson and Dylan, getting a close up view of the moon for the first time.

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“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind” -- Dr. Seuss

Exciting view for them I'm can never go wrong with the moon!!  Your pics made me remember a similar situation with two of my grandsons back at the June 5, 2012 transit of Venus. Here's Jordan and Nathan watching as Venus inched across the disc of the Sun. Thanks for the memory David.

Jamey Jenkins

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To Purchase or Examine any of our Telescopes or Accessories, call Jim Wehmer 217-714-7786. He has most of this equipment at his house or can retrieve it from the observatory for you. Arrange a time to go to his house and he will place it on his front porch for you to examine or take home to try it out. Because of the virus, this way the social interactions will be very safe.