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Profile: Jeff_K

First Name:
Last seen:
Seen 3 weeks ago
Member Since:
May 12, 2020
Biographical Info:

Treasurer CUAS 2020 and its web-monkey.
Local to CU area since forever.
Retired: No. Doing software development for network devices.
Total Solar Eclipses Experienced: 1
Kids: Yes
Grandkids: 2, one who loves the Moon 🙂
Have 6" Newtonian with my grandfather's hand-ground primary. He was an astro enthusiast. Have 8" Meade LX something.
Just starting to do astrophotography (2020) with my Sony Alpha 6000 and prime focus.
Next upgrade: Dew shields and heaters?

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To Purchase or Examine any of our Telescopes or Accessories, call Jim Wehmer 217-714-7786. He has most of this equipment at his house or can retrieve it from the observatory for you. Arrange a time to go to his house and he will place it on his front porch for you to examine or take home to try it out. Because of the virus, this way the social interactions will be very safe.