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Lafeyette 60mm 400mm fl $50

Telescope 60mm Refractor Lafayette $75

This is in pristine condition. It was restored by a collector who is selling to buy others. This in no plastic department store telescope. It is made of METAL! And the optics are excellent!

You have to go to the Parkland Staerkel Planetarium to purchase this scope.

Telescope 60mm Refractor Achromatic Lens
60 mm objective lens. fl=400mm
10 and 4 mm eyepieces = 40X and 100X magnifications
Also, variable zoom eyepiece has 20X to 80X, wooden storage box, and tripod.

With a 60mm telescope, you can observe a variety of celestial objects, Moon, Planets, including Deep Sky Objects (DSOs) such as star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies. Also bird watching.

The Champaign Urbana Astronomical Society has other scopes for sale. They are on display individually priced for purchase at the Parkland Staerkel Planetarium. These scopes are good for observing the Moon, Planets, Stars and also bird watching. NEVER look at the sun!
Remember, all proceeds go to our Champaign Urbana Astronomical Society.
We also have more scopes for sale at ----
Planetarium Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm
Fridays and Saturdays, 7 pm and 8 pm
Phone: (217) 351-2568
Champaign, IL

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To Purchase or Examine any of our Telescopes or Accessories, call Jim Wehmer 217-714-7786. He has most of this equipment at his house or can retrieve it from the observatory for you. Arrange a time to go to his house and he will place it on his front porch for you to examine or take home to try it out. Because of the virus, this way the social interactions will be very safe.