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Palomar 60 mm Refracting Telescope

Telescope Palomar 60 mm Refracting Telescope.
Includes Wood Case, 20mm, 6mm eyepieces and X2 mag Barlow.
Yields 117 and 234 times magnifications. 60mm is 700 mm focal length.

You have to go to the Parkland Staerkel Planetarium to purchase this scope.

A 60mm telescope is good for observing the Moon, Planets, Stars, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and nature like birds. NEVER look at the sun!

The Champaign Urbana Astronomical Society has scopes for sale. They are on display individually priced for purchase at the Parkland Staerkel Planetarium. Remember, all proceeds go to our Champaign Urbana Astronomical Society. CUAS also has more scopes for sale at ----

Planetarium Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm
Show Hours:
Fridays and Saturdays, 7 pm and 8 pm
Phone: (217) 351-2568

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To Purchase or Examine any of our Telescopes or Accessories, call Jim Wehmer 217-714-7786. He has most of this equipment at his house or can retrieve it from the observatory for you. Arrange a time to go to his house and he will place it on his front porch for you to examine or take home to try it out. Because of the virus, this way the social interactions will be very safe.