Champaign-Urbana Astronomical Society
Dues are $20 per year for a family. If you are joining after July 1st, dues are $10 for the rest of the year.
If you hold an observatory key, the dues are an additional $30 per year.
The use of our telescopes and observatory, membership in the Astronomical League, a subcription to our monthly newsletter Clear Skies, discounted subscriptions to Astronomy and Sky and Telescope and, after six months of membership, eligibility to become an observatory keyholder (additional requirements are: a $30 annual keyholder fee, taking a training class, and willingness to help out with dome site maintenance and other club tasks).
We have several telescopes: a 16.5-inch f/15 Cassegrain on an equatorial mount in our dome, a 6-inch f/10 D&G refractor, two 8-inch Dobson-mounted Newtonians, and a few others.
Click on the PayPal button to pay your dues. If you’re a new member, please fill out the above form and submit.
c/o Staerkel Planetarium/Parkland College
2400 West Bradley Avenue
Champaign, IL 61821